Depleted | Drought

Depleted, 2024

Weather data from drought in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, during June 2023 was used to create this art piece.
Info on the weather event:
Across British Columbia, 10 months of winter, spring and summer precipitation totals were consistently less than half of normal. Penticton and Vernon experienced their driest summer since records have been kept. Penticton received just 8 mm of rain compared with the normal 105 mm, and Vernon 22 mm instead of its normal 122 mm. And in Kelowna, it was the second-driest summer on record with just 20 mm of rain coming down when 110 mm is the norm. Record drought across the province was a major reason for British Columbia's worst wildfire season ever. By mid-August, more than 80 per cent of the province had reached high to extreme levels of drought - the two highest and worst, possible drought rankings.