Lobe | Cold Spells

Lobe, 2024

The data used to create the shapes in this piece were from a cold spell in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada in February 2023.
Info on the weather event:
For eastern Canada, the first week of February (2023) featured the coldest air of the entire winter including punishingly cold wind chills. On February 4, 2023, Fredericton recorded -28.9°C; Saint John dipped to -29°C including a wind chill of -47 – an all-time lowest; Ottawa registered -33.1°C on the morning. The dangerous cold elevated risks of frostbite and hypothermia across the country. Hydro utilities struggled to keep up with power demands leading to record consumption. At the peak of the outages, more than 34,000 Maritimers were without power. Frozen and burst gas and water pipes led to flooding and broken infrastructure inside residences, and commercial and municipal structures. Property insurers across eastern Canada reported losses to the tune of $152 million. Travel was also impacted with flight cancellations and delays in public transit. Road assistance services were backlogged several hours. Thousands crowded into shelters and food banks.
Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/top-ten-weather-stories/2023.html